Ciao! I’m Francesca, a Milan-based designer.

A predilection for abstract universes characterizes the imagery of my projects, which I express in many different ways: from paper and fabric embroidered to geometric modules and repetitions, from digital illustrations to mural painting, all in a happy balance between decoration, design and research.

My endeavour in life, which I try to translate into my work, is lightness. I seek to remove weight from the structure of things to get closer to my ideal of beauty and harmony. Paul Valéry said: “Il faut être léger comme l’oiseau, et non comme la plume” — One should be light like a bird, and not like a feather.

I’m currently working on rebuilding my website, in the meantime feel you free to say hello! at the following address:

art direction · color consultancy · set design · brand design · package design · illustration